Marketing Interviews- Ian Garlic- https://iangarlic.com/
Video has quickly become one of the most vital assets to the success of a business. When you have the right video content out in the world, your prospects and clients feel like they know you before you ever meet.
This familiarity helps you make more sales faster than you ever imagined.
In this episode, video marketing expert Ian Garlic discusses the specific kinds of video you need to record to make more sales, why video builds trust better than any other content, and how to overcome your fear of going on camera.
Show highlights include:
- How the right video content can make the sale before you ever speak to a client ([4:39])
- Why video helps you sell exactly what clients want to buy (hint: it’s not your technical skills) ([7:56])
- The truth about your objections to doing video and how to overcome them ([11:44])
- The #1 secret to making effective videos that do your selling for you ([12:10])
- The secret fear that prevents business owners from using video to dominate their industry ([17:55])
- Common mistakes that make your videos unwatchable to clients (and how to fix them immediately) ([20:38])
If you enjoyed today’s show, make sure you head on over to http://www.tapsandtees.info and download your free report of ‘No BS,’ game-changing marketing tips and strategies that show you how to blow up your brand online.